Will I earn more if I go to uni and how much does it cost?

Given higher costs, some students are wondering whether going to university makes financial sense.
2024-08-15 14:06:40

Rate cuts to fuel house price rises, Halifax says

The mortgage lender says lower borrowing costs could fuel a "modest" rise in house prices.
2024-08-07 11:07:19

The Spanish fightback against record tourism

Activists say spiralling housing costs are due to properties being bought by foreigners - or rented over the summer.
2024-07-21 21:08:06

Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise

The chancellor says not settling the matter quickly would incur other costs to the wider economy.
2024-07-21 21:07:58

Reeves hints at above-inflation public sector pay rise

The chancellor says not settling the matter quickly would incur other costs to the wider economy.
2024-07-21 07:08:24

The Spanish fightback against record tourism

Activists say spiralling housing costs are due to properties being bought by foreigners - or rented over the summer.
2024-07-21 03:06:22

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-19 02:06:50

UK 'failed citizens' with flawed pandemic plans

First report from Covid Inquiry says better planning would have saved lives and lessened economic costs.
2024-07-18 18:08:43

Drug development costs predicted to soar as BIOSECURE Act gains momentum

Post Content
2024-07-17 10:08:09

Dortmund roof climber risks paying costs of police operation

Post Content
2024-07-02 21:07:42

Mortgage costs to rise for 3 million, says Bank

Around 400,000 households could face monthly payment increases of over 50%.
2024-06-27 14:07:30

HSBC joins UK banks in cutting mortgage rates

Some lenders are trimming rates after the Bank of England hinted about a drop in borrowing costs.
2024-06-25 15:08:41

Ford tests shipping cars from Mexico's Guaymas port to cut logistics costs

Post Content
2024-06-18 22:08:54

Petrol prices higher than they should be, says RAC

Margins are rising amid the election "distraction", the group says, but retailers say they face higher costs.
2024-06-17 13:10:04

Canada needs electric, not gas, to avoid high costs and emissions

Post Content
2024-06-13 20:09:16

Soaring insurance costs have pushed up service charges over the past few years, a trade body says.
2024-05-27 02:07:04

'We owe our children': Grieving parents say social media costs lives

Bereaved families whose children's deaths were linked to social media are sharing their stories with the BBC.
2024-05-08 09:08:33

Disney says password crackdown will increase subscribers

Boss Bob Iger says sequels are cheaper to make because they save on marketing costs.
2024-05-07 21:07:59

Three million disabled people face end to regular benefits cash

Disability payments that help with extra living costs could be scrapped in favour of more tailored support as the government looks at overhauling the benefits system Proposals include disabilities.
2024-04-29 13:08:07

Government told heat pump sales need massive jump

The spending watchdog says the costs remain too high and public awareness of the technology remains low.
2024-03-18 03:06:30

New Zealand landlord loses rubbish row with Chinese embassy

The landlord claimed the embassy failed to pay up to NZ$960 in rubbish removal and other costs.
2023-10-20 10:10:26

US Federal Reserve holds interest rates at 22-year high

The world's biggest economy keeps borrowing costs higher in a bid to control price rises.
2023-11-01 21:07:09

Commonwealth Games: Gold Coast mayor scraps bid for 2026 event

The event is in doubt after the state of Victoria withdrew from hosting duties over spiralling costs.
2023-12-04 02:08:02

Heather Mills' vegan food company goes into administration

The vegan food company founded by Sir Paul McCartney's ex-wife struggled with rising costs.
2023-12-11 22:07:39

Food prices rising at slowest rate in over two years

Falling food costs lead to lowest shop price inflation since December 2021, new retail figures show.
2024-04-02 11:09:24

Interest rates: How the Bank of England's decision affects you and your money

The Bank of England is expected to hold interest rates at 5.25%, but borrowing costs remain comparatively high.
2023-12-14 02:06:41

Disability benefit system unsustainable and needs change, says government

Disability payments that help with extra living costs could be scrapped in favour of more tailored support as the government looks at overhauling the benefits system Proposals include disabilities.
2024-04-29 01:06:31

Iraq parliament approves corruption reforms

The Iraqi parliament onTuesday unanimously approved a reform package aimed at fighting corruption and reducing costs.
2023-07-04 14:08:55

Middle Eastern regimes have a history of shutting down the internet. But it's costing them

When authoritarian Middle Eastern regimes feel threatened by their public, they often shut down the internet. But such disruptions are not without costs. And one advocacy group has devised a way of calculating that cost.
2023-07-03 20:07:36

Satuba szorítja a Fedet az új ECI-adat

Meglepő fordulatot hozott, hogy az Egyesült Államok foglalkoztatási költségindexe (ECI) 2023 első negyedévére vonatkozóan jelentősen gyorsulva, negyedéves összehasonlításban 1,2%-kal emelkedett. Mindez még héjább monetáris politikára sarkallhatja a Federal Reserve döntéshozóit az ING szerint.
2024-04-30 16:07:06

Egyre nagyobb bajban az amerikai ingatlantulajdonosok

Az Egyesült Államokban a lakástulajdonlás költségei 26%-kal nőttek 2020 óta, ami főként az adók, biztosítások és közművek drágulása miatt következett be. Az átlagos havi kiadás 1510 dollárra (550 ezer forint) emelkedett, jelentős terhet róva a tulajdonosokra - írja a Bloomberg.
2024-06-10 11:08:14

Dollármilliárdokat lopnak el évente a nyugdíjasoktól a családtagok

Szomorú tényre világít rá egy frissen közétett jelentés: a pénzügyi kizsákmányolás évente 28,3 milliárd dollárba kerül az idős amerikaiaknak, és ennek közel háromnegyedét az áldozat által ismert személyek, például családtagok, barátok vagy gondozók lopják el ? számol be a hírről a Bloomberg.
2023-06-16 14:09:30

Halálra keresték magukat a magas kamatokon az amerikai regionális bankok

Több amerikai regionális bank is felülmúlta a harmadik negyedéves profitvárakozásokat a magasabb kamatlábaknak köszönhetően, annak ellenére, hogy a hitelezési veszteségekre képzett céltartalékok és a betéti kamatok jelentősen növekedtek - írta a Reuters.
2023-10-19 09:07:15

Azt hiszed, Magyarországon drága esküvőt szervezni? Akkor nézd meg ezt

Tény, hogy itthon is igen elszálltak az esküvőszervezési árak, de Amerikában sem aprózzák el a párok, ugyanis egy friss felmérés szerint átlagosan 28 ezer dollárt, tehát mintegy 9,7 millió forintnak megfelelő összeget költenek a nagy napra. Az igazán pazar esküvők azonban hat számjegynél kezdődnek ? számol be a hírről a Bloomberg.
2023-06-08 11:09:07

Pusztító háborúval fenyeget Kína, de van egy dolog, ami mindent megváltoztathat

Az elmúlt években többször is felmerült már, hogy Tajvant egy elsöprő kínai invázió fenyegeti, ennek pedig már a lehetséges időpontjai is felmerültek. Számos írás foglalkozott azzal, hogy katonai szempontból milyen lehetőségek vannak, azonban sokkal kevesebb vette górcső alá, hogy a társadalomra milyen hatást gyakorolna egy esetleges háború. A The Diplomat elemzése most az ukrajnai háborút példának véve elemezte a lehetséges forgatókönyveket.
2024-04-16 13:07:51

Elon Musk: I will say what I want even if it costs me

Twitter's owner has been criticised for spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories online.
2023-05-17 23:17:49

A certificate to own a car in Singapore now costs $106,000

The city-state introduced a 10-year certificate of entitlement system in 1990 as an anti-congestion measure.
2023-10-05 12:22:06

A certificate to own a car in Singapore now costs $106,000

The city-state introduced a 10-year certificate of entitlement system in 1990 as an anti-congestion measure.
2023-10-05 12:22:43

Singaporeans Fret Most Over High Costs, Wages in Latest Survey

Post Content
2023-10-18 06:06:41

Nokia to axe up to 14,000 jobs to cut costs

The Finnish telecoms giant reported a disappointing result due to slowing sales of 5G equipment.
2023-10-19 11:10:40

Prince Harry to pay legal costs to Mail on Sunday

2023-12-11 20:08:41

Baby formula prices: Soaring costs devastating family finances - survey

Two-thirds of new mothers have been forced into "tough choices" due to 25% price rise, a survey says.
2023-12-13 10:10:58

Etsy: Online marketplace lays off 11% of staff to cut costs

CEO Josh Silverman tells staff the cuts are needed as sales have been "essentially flat" for two years.
2023-12-14 04:07:19

Food and eating out costs drive fall in inflation

February's drop to 3.4% means the cost of living is now rising at its slowest pace since September 2021.
2024-03-20 13:08:44

House price growth subdued as borrowing costs bite

Prices in March rose 1.6% compared with a year earlier but were down compared with February.
2024-04-02 10:08:48


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